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[珐琅装饰] 窝路坚珐琅怀表欣赏


   发表于 2020-8-11 11:36:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Vulcain(窝路坚) 一个“总统表”的传奇

以创制 Cricket 响闹机芯而享誉全球的瑞士洛克制表商窝路坚,荣归美利坚这个使其 1947 年表款成为“总统表”的国度。 随50年代 Presidents’ Watch 腕表,重温 Cricket 传奇响闹机芯,以及它使 Cricket 腕表成为“总统表”的传奇故事。
1953 年 1 月,Robert Ditisheim,其时窝路坚制表的家族掌门人,发现一张照片中杜鲁门总统腕间佩戴着窝路坚 Cricket 响闹腕表!没有人能够确切知道他当时充溢的心情。也许有一丝慰藉,些许自豪,或者感觉中得头彩。正是在这款 Cricket 表中,Robert Ditisheim 成功攻克了令众多制表商折戟的难题。Robert Ditisheim 历时五年方研发出这款响闹机械机芯,能于腕间产生足够唤醒佩戴者的响闹铃声。这项革新意义深远,即使在 65 年后的今天,Cricket 机芯仍无可匹敌,但经过不断改良,并衍生出不同款式。

The Vulcain watch manufacturer was founded in 1858 and is the inventor of the alarm complication for wristwatches. This innovation made the Vulcain watches popular with American presidents starting with Harry S. Truman, earning the brand its reputation as “The Watch for Presidents”.
A century and a half of watchmaking passion, as well as 150 years of creation, innovation and expertise patiently acquired and now devoted to defending the demanding values of Haute Horlogerie. Founded in 1858, the workshop of the Ditisheim brothers – which was to give rise to the Vulcain brand – immediately earned itself an enviable reputation through its complication watches, which received awards at several World Fairs.
Almost a century later, Vulcain launched the first ever mechanical alarm movement, which soon achieved worldwide fame. The legendary Cricket calibre took flight before finding its place in the history books as “The Presidents’ Watch”. American heads of state Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Trumann, Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson all wore a Vulcain on their wrist, a fact that earned the brand its prestigious reputation. But the technical qualities of Vulcain watches also appealed to explorers and adventurers. From the 1950s onwards, the brand in Le Locle was to partner famous mountaineering and maritime expeditions.

窝路坚, 珐琅
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发表于 2020-8-12 06:17:04 | 只看该作者
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