本帖最后由 gfyk 于 2014-4-10 18:27 编辑
lepine机芯系列(1至5),先看roland ranfft的简介。几天后上5型机芯实图。
it wasn't made by Lepine, only inspired by him. Jean Antoine Lépine was the first to create movements with single bridges and cocks instead of the conventional full plate. As simultaneously the balance moved into the same layer to all other moving parts, these watches were much thinner and thus more elegant. So it can't surprise that this design was quickly adopted by the majority of watchmakers in France and Switzerland.
Original Lepine calibres of this kind had a flying barrel and more or less curved bridges and cocks like this one:

But soon others copied such design, and therefore similar calibres like this one

were called Lepine-Calibre, today Lepine-Calibre I, due to the several successors with similar concept.
Yours is the successor Lepine-Calibre II, mainly made between 1825 and 1835. Its characteristical details are a cock for the center wheel and a barrel bridge following the periphery of the movement.
The following Lepine-Calibre III, mainly made between 1830 and 1840, had a curved barrel bridge, or bridges like this example:

The Lepine-Calibre IV (1835-1850) got a bridge for the center wheel (istead of a cock), like this:

The last of this line was the Lepine-Calivre V. The barrel bridge became a straight bar, and the cocks were arranged more in parallel than radially as before. Here an example:

But once more: Lepine or Lepine-Calibre is no brand or maker, but just the style used by the most makers in France and Switzerland during the whole 19th century.