,zenith 蜗牛好象是申请了专利的 和pp,agassiz,O的蜗牛不一样 翁版说过pp那样的蜗牛微调“是美国人,纽约州的Francois Wilmot发明的,美国登记的专利号129197,1872年7月16日。” |
求教,雅典和真力时的蜗牛什么关系 看着一样呢 |
本帖最后由 老陈 于 2011-11-22 19:49 编辑 逃不过版主的眼睛。这不是怀表,是船上用的东西。确实是guillaume摆轮。跟新朋友说一下谓guillaume摆轮是殷钢作为摆轮的材料,它质地均匀,稳定,受温度影响变化较小,法国人Charles Edouard Guillaume因此被授予了1920年的**奖。 这篇文章对理解GUILLAUME,INVAR,ELIVAR 有所帮助。 In addition to the name Invar, another name for the same material became known as Elinvar. The Elinvar name was used by the Hamilton Watch Company. The materials used by Hamilton may have been somewhat improved upon or Hamilton may have used slightly different materials. The end result was the same. Hairsprings were no longer affected by changes in temperature. However, there is a major difference between the two metals as follows: From 1890 he focused his attention on alloys and developed invar and elinvar. Invar's low coefficient of expansion (change in volume caused by change in temperature) and elinvar's low coefficient of elasticity (change in elasticity caused by change in temperature), combined with their low cost, resulted in their widespread use in scientific instruments |
假表,还真看不出来。。。 |
学习了 |
精彩。陈兄好货真多。假的也是块问表呀。 |
不光是很好的欣赏贴 还是很棒的学习贴 |
多谢老陈兄!把假冒手法的纰漏和鉴别方法都指出来,对新入门的朋友指导很大 这只雅典非常精彩,有没有摆轮静止的图片?如果是天文台专用的guillaume摆轮就更绝了。雅典对精准的追求一直是瑞士表的典范,军用产品尤其出色,船钟、甲板钟无论在英国还是德国部队里都绝对是第一级别的配置。反而现代的雅典专攻复杂功能,有点偏离传统了。 |
学习了,谢谢! |
在前面的帖里答应弟兄们发一直雅典动力显示,注意下图是假冒品,朋友们能看出来吗 |
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