楼主好文,我不懂古董表,现在劳力士里我就只喜欢迪通拿了... |
擦 地板开会了 |
迪通拿是好表,但是三眼计时码表的布局个人不喜欢,其实双眼也希望不是左右分开,而是上下分开。 |
dod761207 发表于 2016-7-28 16:30 The Speedmaster only drew the attention of NASA in 1962. Wally Schirra – but also Gordon Cooper on Mercury 9 – one of the first American astronauts, wore its own Omega Speedmaster CK2998 on a Mercury flight, October 3rd, 1962. This was a private purchase and had nothing to do with NASA. The astronauts kept pushing for something like an official watch that could be worn during space missions. NASA realized that “private” items (like these watches) were used during the missions and also realized that this practice poses many dangers. By 1964, they started thinking that a certified watch for their astronauts was a real and important need. NASA decided to procure (not buy) several chronographs including, Longines-Wittnauer, Rolex, Hamilton and of course an Omega Speedmaster (note: Waltham and Bulova were not contacted). The legend that NASA bought watches from a Houston dealer is untrue. NASA, a ** agency, is not allowed to “buy” items. The truth, related to us by the Omega Museum, is slightly different. Based on a letter of requirement (1964) by Deke Slayton, the whole watch-testing was organized by James H. Ragan (at the time a young engineer at NASA) and by late 1964 a request for quotations was sent to several watch brands. In case of the Swiss brands, this was sent to the agents/importers of the brands and not to their offices in Switzerland. This is the reason why the brands did not know at first what was going on. 开始的确是意外,但是后来NASA决定对太空表进行“认证”。关于NASA从休斯顿表铺里买表是传说,NASA作为国家机构,不允许私下从表商购买,所有的测试表都是从各大品牌征集来的。 |
http://www.iwatchome.net/Brand_paper.php?article_id=BR1500054 1960年代初期,美國太空總署正計劃讓太空人走出太空艙進行太空漫步,艙外的太空環境相當惡劣,真空的環境中沒有過濾紫外線等有害射線的大氣,腕錶還要承受負壓狀態,且溫度的變化極大,暴露在陽光下時,可高達100攝氏度以上,照不到太陽時,則又可以低到負100攝氏度以下。月球表面更是在+120~負160攝氏度間波動,在登月計劃中腕錶將受到最大考驗。為此,太空總署官員以普通消費者的身分在美國休士頓的幾家知名錶店內,選購了數款不同品牌的計時碼錶進行測試,最後只有歐米茄超霸計時碼錶完全合格。事實上,歐米茄也不知道這款腕錶被選為美國太空總署的裝備。直到1966年6月雙子星4號的太空人實現首次太空漫步的照片公開時,歐米茄的成員才驚覺超霸計時碼錶已經進入太空! |
欧米茄的目光更加长远,随着肯尼迪总统宣布要进军月球,欧米茄也将目光投向了NASA,决定制造一款能够登上月球的手表。 這我有點疑問 之前看過比較多文章說 歐米茄到手表登上月球上新聞才知道自己的錶上去了 |
学习 |
manycash 发表于 2016-4-2 12:50 你说呢? |
是来自地板的吗? |
甜橘好文 字里行间骚气逼人 |
好文。。。。。。 |
好文、学习。 最近网上炒余文乐的保罗纽曼。 |
好文 |
好文,学习先。。 |
OHSEAL 发表于 2016-3-31 17:43 老大,重新上传了,刚发完没注意,真不好意思。 |
真对不起,以前微信还允许直接复制,我发完帖子自己检查看是没问题的,但是没想到别人看不到。现在管的越来越严了,图片更新完毕了。 |
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