多年后看了,仍觉得醍醐灌顶 |
深夜重温啊,高路云阿斯曼在单一表款上,综合来看无对手,无论是工艺、打磨、配置、美感、设计,封神的东西。关键存世量非常之少,想买买不到啊!!! |
好精彩,超棒手艺。学习啦 |
看阿里的帖,每次都学到东西。 |
tcschung 发表于 2014-10-31 09:01 Welcome! |
tcschung 发表于 2014-10-31 09:00 Are you American? Write Chinese? |
wzy19900528 发表于 2014-5-28 11:14 What a superb restoration done to such a great movement! I am in the U.S. and new to this site. I also just acquired a Assmann/Gruen 18S 21J open face and I wish if it could be restored to the same fantastic state. |
What a superb restoration done to such a great movement! I am in the U.S. and new to this site. I also just acquired a Assmann/Gruen 18S 21J open face and I wish if it could be restored to the same fantastic state. |
太精彩了,完全展示了这只表的魅力 |
讨厌楼上挖坟者 |
髙路云的东西,没说的!阿里大师技艺也够精湛啊。。。 |
高路云的好东西!!! |
佩服兄台的技艺 |
可惜阿里大师好久没上来了 |
精美的图片,精彩的点评,当然更缺不了阿里表友的高超技艺。 感谢分享! |
牛人啊,厉害的修复 |
欣赏~! |
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