urin1010 发表于 2015-2-14 21:05 是啊,已经从计时功能意义上变成废物的存在,还是不要执着于那么几秒误差吧。 |
nomorewatch 发表于 2015-2-15 04:10 当下,炫并且要搞的玄,就能定个高价。至于卖的出卖不出,大部分这样还是容易卖掉。 |
urin1010 发表于 2015-2-13 19:57 在我的师父看来,机械表的真正局限就是摆轴尖磨损,任何与此问题解决方案无关的所谓技术创新都是白搭。 不过,视觉上来说,楼主帖的这种表确实更炫技。 |
就是将汽车发动机的概念植入表。 |
OHSEAL 发表于 2015-2-6 19:44 哈哈 谢谢徐大师垂青 |
这玩意好神奇...能走多久就得保养哦? |
lawrence986 发表于 2015-2-4 18:03 学习了,谢谢! |
好久无见春哥了 |
在下不才,曾有幸为这块传说中的手表写过一篇小故事: http://luxuryfair.diandian.com/post/2014-08-20/40062726470 望各位大师轻喷 |
For hundreds of years these foundations of watchmaking have remained fairly consistent. What the V4 has done that makes it such a remarkable watch is completely turn on it's head the third principle of transmission. There have been thousands of variations on the watchmaking theme and complications that include tourbillions, calendars, chronographs etc. but they all use pinions and gears to turn the wheels that deliver the final result. The V4 uses belts from one point to another instead of wheels with teeth connected to other wheels with teeth. 皮带传动,表是铂金的 |
外星表 |
齿形皮带传动的 |
稀罕货 |
V4概念表,履带传动,看了好多年了,一直没见着实物. |
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