实际上guaranteed for twenty years------这个意思是珠宝商20年穿金内保修理、包更换的意思
请参考: Gold-filled cases had been sold with twenty year guarantees back in the 1880s and they were beginning to come back to retail jewelers who had to deal with them. And in 1898, case companies started extending their guarantees, such as Joseph Fahys & Co., whose Montauk cases had been guaranteed for fifteen years, were now guaranteed for twenty; the Wadsworth Watch Case Co. whose Pilot cases started the year guaranteed for fifteen years and were upgraded to twenty years ( and were later extended again, to 25 Years);
The Jewelers' Circular, one of the major trade periodicals, sent out letters to jewelers posing the question of what should the case manufactures do when a case failed to live up to the guarantee: 1) Provide a new case of the same guarantee? 2) Provide a new case having a guarantee of the shortfall (if a 20 year case wore though in 16 years, provide a 5 year guaranteed case)? 3) "Repair" the case (with the exact nature of the repair undefined)? 4) Provide a new case, charging the customer a prorated amount? 作者: 引镜 时间: 2019-2-4 23:23 作者: gtgtgt 时间: 2019-2-4 23:24
实金壳的没有这麽厚. 作者: 引镜 时间: 2019-2-4 23:24
https://mb.nawcc.org/wiki/Lapp-and-Flershem作者: 引镜 时间: 2019-2-4 23:29