Not for Sale!
The movements presented in this caliber finder are not for sale. This is only a data sheet for identification and evaluation of the movement calibre, as well as for approximate dating. The features and technical data were mostly taken from movements, which were investigated on the occasion of sale, service, or repair. As the accordant watches are no longer available, further data can't be given on request. 作者: 许大棒子 时间: 2011-5-6 01:40
学习了。。。。。作者: shek329 时间: 2011-5-6 03:50
卡美,当年一瑞士小牌,没有自己的厂,靠统机装壳卖。因经理和中国ZF关系友好,所以我们进口比较多。作者: louisXIV 时间: 2011-5-6 04:59