根据记载,心壳一体化最早的尝试应该是美国独立制表师艾伯·波特(Albert H Potter,1836-1908)开始的,名为Charmilles。发表年份大约为1887年(同年开始生产),直到1900年代初期结束生产。此产品先在新泽西州获得专利并生产,于1895年在日内瓦获得专利并开展生产,属于大师的晚期作品。波特大师的作品普遍水平颇高,定位和价钱也是一时无两,生产这种只有4-7石的廉价表,据说是为了做出“最好的一美元怀表”,事实上,此表达到了大师的初衷,当年售价仅为4美元,而且性能不俗。
专利图1,. The mainspring barrel E, of a very large diameter in proportion to the diameter of the watch, occupies nearly the full diameter of the movement. The spring itself, narrower and much longer than usual, is made in the patent model by riveting two ordinary springs together end to end. Over this barrel and attached to the stationary frame of the watch is placed a large thin ring A, cut on its inner diameter with 120 teeth. Near its edge the barrel E carries a stud g on which runs a pinion of 10 in mesh with the ring gear A. On this pinion is a wheel of 80 driving a pinion of 6 on the escape-wheel arbor. The 15-tooth escape wheel locks on a spring detent and gives impulse to the balance in one direction only, being a conventional chronometer escapement. The intermediate wheel and pinion, balance wheel, and balance cock have been adapted from a Swiss bar movement of the time.(位于E点的发条盒占了机心大部分空间,几乎是机心的直径。发条的直径要比正常的更长,更窄,是通过专利技术把两个发条的末端固定在一起。整个旋转机械置于发条盒上方,A环有120齿,位于E点附近的g钉子负责固定A环与E点之间的轮系。15齿的擒纵轮配备简化的冲击式擒纵。轮系,摆轮和摆轮夹板都是从瑞士机心取材。)
专利图2,Original Patent Model of the Hopkins Watch, U. S. Patent 161513, July 20, 1875, now in the U. S. National Museum (cat. no. 309025).
专利图3,Drawing from U. S. Patent 165831, showing Hopkins’ first design improvement, an arbor for the barrel and train to turn on and the balance displaced from center. (美国专利号165831的素描图,图中为设计师所涉及的第一款机心,其调速结构已经显示为偏心配置。)
专利图4,Hopkins’ Balance Arresting Device, the subject of U. S. patent 165830. This and the device illustrated in figure 4 originally were submitted together to the Patent Office on June 9, 1875, and later were divided into two patents.(霍金斯摆轮技术,美国专利号165830. 此专利于1875年六月九号申请,后被分解成两个专利。)
专利图5,Drawing from U. S. Patent 179019 showing Hopkins’ device to prevent the tripping of a chronometer escapement.
专利图6, Part of the Drawings from U. S. Patent 186838, showing the winding and setting mechanism very nearly as it was applied in the Auburndale rotary.(美国专利号186838的部分图片,图为此表的上弦和调时装置)
The first watches, the Auburndale Rotary, expensive for the day, was not a financial success. Many of the 500 made were defective and were returned Auburndale followed the early disaster by building several watches of conventional design, and is best known its design and manufacture of its . The company was never able to overcome its financial difficulty, and closed its doors in 1883. Auburndale Watch Co.这家公司是史上第一家开宗明义以制作平民表款为要务的制表企业,在倒闭前仅生产了接近6000只表。他家的这款作品理论上是不需要方位校正的!开山人为才华横溢的制表设计师杰迅·霍金斯(Jason Hopkins),地点设在马萨诸塞州。1875年,霍金斯获得华盛顿通过的两项专利(正是那款旋转机械设计)。1876年,霍金斯和几位投资人在马萨诸塞州设立了这家企业,详细地点在威士顿。尽管定位为平民表,这款旋转机械表还是超出了不少人的预算(定价不详),而且产出的仅500只表中有不少出现了瑕疵(或者故障,可能类似早期同轴),所以公司被迫生产常规设计的表,Auburndale timer就是这个时期的代表作。由于公司长期面临财政困难,最终于1883年倒闭。
硅材料另一个重要的优点是轻!用在擒纵等关键的传动部件可以大幅提高能量传递效率。当然,硅材料对磁场是免疫的! 原文在此: "Silicon components can be manufactured more precisely to the correct shapes without technological restrictions, as far as this materials long term behavior in concerned, we have seen that silicon maintains its desirable surface characteristics for a long time. Silicons resistance to wear has been extensively investigated, and this (there) research has shown that it is suitable for the purpose" UNquote -Hayek
Project Gutenberg's The Auburndale Watch Company, by Edwin A. Battison(旋转机械) 钟泳麟先生(旋转机械与陀飞轮皇后的典故) 名表通会员:总理表,国产机器,Tanzh,xhandy, 机械米,shek329(排名不分先后,主要有关机械结构的技术讨论)