I think Potter is a better investment, at least in a public sale. This is becuase no matter how badly a Potter is serviced it's still a Potter unless it gets really butchered. Any service to a trials watch, except by the regleur who did the final adjustment essentially ruiins its superior characteristics. The regluers had lots of tricks, which they did not share. This is applying logic and a rationale to collecting, which is rarely a good guide. I know of at least one trial watch that has always been owned by watchmakers who understood what it was so if I could buy it I would.
A trials watch is like a bottle of very expensive old wine, Whether is is still fine wine or vinegar depends on how it was stored which is rarely knowable. I doubt the trials watches with such a provinence ever reach the opne market With a Potter watch what you see is a lot closer to what you get assuming it has not been altered to "upgrade" it. Thus, an open market Potter, in my view, is a better thing to have than an open market trials watch but both are still very very desirable.作者: xhandy 时间: 2012-9-13 14:32