No experience with a Fasoldt, but I've owned an Omega with the 2500C co-axial. It went not quite 5 years before it got out of COSC spec and is now being serviced. So much for that version of Daniels's co-axial extending service intervals. Maybe the newer 8500 from Omega is better, time will tell. The co-axial seemed to work well in pocket watches made by Daniels himself, going for decades without lube, so he claimed.
I have often wondered just how much Daniels "borrowed" from Fasoldt. Now that he has passed we will never know, but they are so similar that I would be very surprised if Daniels wasn't influenced.
I too lack experience with Fasoldt watches but there is an account of his demonstrating its reliaibility by fastening it to the moving parts of a steam locomotive and retreiving it after a round trip to NYC. It survived and was on time. A regular watch atttaached as a comparisong had failed.
Service intervals were not a concern then.
Dr.Jon 作者: 如云如雾如烟 时间: 2015-8-25 08:16 本帖最后由 如云如雾如烟 于 2016-4-30 01:03 编辑