kenken 发表于 2011-11-24 19:35:20


本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:53 编辑

收藏手表的另类乐趣为表後首主人之名刻,以前购买一只手表都会有25年保修,大多人会刻名表上,而當時大部份人都是一只手表用一生,不像现在一人多只表。今天所有故事都由这只表的己故主人Mr.Lucien Cardin所带出,而大部份资料转自纲上。
这是加拿大历史上首次的“性丑闻”。一个来自东德的女间谍名为Gerda Munsinger,她化身为舞女,令到几位加拿大部长落入圈套,直至声名浪藉。
而Gerda Munsinger (c.1926-1998)出生于东德,后成为苏联克格勃间谍,与一位美国士兵有过一段短暂婚姻后,于1955年移民加拿大,在蒙特利尔一个名为“Chez Paree”的夜总会担任女招待,认识了当时在加拿大联邦政府中担任内阁部长的George Hees、Pierre Sevigny等人。1961年,Gerda Munsinger返回德国。如果不是后来担任司法部长的Lucien Cardin的“大嘴巴”,这段“性丑闻”可能会是一段永远尘封的秘密。
1966年3月,自由党司法部长Lucien Cardin在国会的一次辩论中,为了回应保守党的嘲弄,反问道“What about Monsignor?”虽然他记错了 Gerda Munsinger 的名字,但仅仅是这一句话便立刻引起媒体的敏感关注,开始挖掘故事的真相。
最初,政府以Gerda Munsinger几年前已死于白血病,希望平息这场风波。但《多伦多星报》记者通过不懈调查,发现 Gerda Munsinger仍然在世,生活在东德的慕尼黑,Gerda Munsinger在接受采访时承认她在1958年至1961年间认识前国防部长Pierre Sevigny和商业贸易部长George Hees,当年,Pierre Sevigny甚至为她亲自签署了入藉申请。前保守党总理John Diefenbaker于1961年便发现了国防部长Pierre Sevigny与克格勃女间谍有染,他召见了部长Pierre Sevigny,但并没有将他开除出内阁。1963年,Pierre Sevigny悄悄从进步保守党总理John Diefenbaker的内阁中辞职。
公众所关注的焦点不仅仅是前国防部长Pierre Sevigny如何与克格勃舞女有染,更关心的是这位部长有没有将加拿大的重要情报透露给这位间谍。自由党总理 Lester B. Pearson随即要求法院对 Pierre Sevigny进行司法聆讯。
最高法院大法官 Wishart Spence 在审讯后公布的长达92页报告中严厉谴责了前司法部长Pierre Sevigny与克格勃女间谍的性关系给国家安全带来的危害,同时指责前总理John Diefenbaker未能立即开除Pierre Sevigny。
“Munsinger性丑闻事件”后来被加拿大导演Brenda Longfellow于1992年拍成电影《Gerda》,搬上银幕。
“性丑闻”男女主角图片容後上! 性丑闻女主角Gerda Munsinger

男主角前国防部长Pierre Sevigny

kenken 发表于 2011-11-24 20:06:05

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:53 编辑

Lucien Cardin
Louis Joseph Lucien Cardin, PC, QC (March 1, 1919 – June 13, 1988) was a Canadian lawyer, judge, and politician.
Born in Providence, Rhode Island, the son of Octave Cardin and Eldora Pagé, he studied at Loyola College and at the Université de Montréal. During World War II, he served in the Royal Canadian Navy and was discharged with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He was called to the Quebec Bar in 1950.
In a 1952 by-election, he was elected to the Canadian House of Commons as a Liberal in the Quebec riding of Richelieu—Verchères. He was re-elected in 1953, 1957, 1958, 1962, 1963, and 1965.
From 1956 to 1957, he was the Parliamentary Assistant to the Secretary of State for External Affairs. From 1963 to 1965, he was the Associate Minister of National Defence. In 1965, he was the Minister of Public Works. From 1965 to 1967, he was the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Cardin was the first Canadian politician to bring the public's attention to the Gerda Munsinger affair. During taunts by Conservative MPs in the House of Commons in March 1966, Cardin shouted out across the floor of the House, "What about Monsignor?" Although he got the name wrong, and later insisted that he thought Munsinger had died, the media brought attention to the issue, and there was a federal inquiry that caught the public's attention due to its implications to national security during the Cold War.
He was appointed Assistant Chairman of the Tax Review Board in April 1972 and Chairman of the Tax Review Board in 1975. He was appointed Chief Judge of the Tax Court of Canada on July 18, 1983.
Westminster has a much longer history of sex scandals than Parliament Hill, but uniting the English and Canadian Parliaments was a credo of silence, especially in the early post World War II era. Each in its own way was a hotbed of gossip, rumour, and speculation where such affairs were concerned, but there existed an unspoken understanding that private lives were not fair game for "the gentlemen of the Press" at a time when that was what they were called.
But the times were a-changing. First came Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice Davis popping into the limelight in Britain. Canada was soon to enter the spotlight with Gerda Munsinger.
The man who broke the Canadian story did so spectacularly and openly on the floor of the House of Commons.

千山偶溜达 发表于 2011-11-24 20:21:52

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:53 编辑


镜观天下 发表于 2011-11-24 21:05:17

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:53 编辑


老杨 发表于 2011-11-24 21:22:51

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:53 编辑


OHSEAL 发表于 2011-11-24 21:27:29


kenken 发表于 2011-11-24 22:21:46

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:53 编辑

另外表盍刻有9034 HK,相信此壳都是香港製做吧!

实惠人 发表于 2011-11-25 00:03:31


行者无疆 发表于 2011-11-25 00:50:13


loonkong 发表于 2011-11-25 08:47:04


kenken 发表于 2011-11-27 13:32:28


听泉 发表于 2011-11-27 14:03:17


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-6-2 04:30:54

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