Rossini 之旅
After meeting with the kind people from Rossini at the China Watch & Clock Fair a few weeks ago, we were invited down to tour their factory in Zhuhai. To say that the Rossini factory stood out from the other factories in the area would be a severe understatement. We turned onto the street and were greeted by a trio of beautiful buildings which were obviously designed with Italian inspiration. No surprises there, given the company was named was for the famous opera composer Gioachino Antonio Rossini.haha,欢迎小布! 欢迎,欢迎,热烈欢迎:) 谢谢大家的热情:) 小布的文章写得很不错呢~ 要带中文翻译哦 :P :victory::handshake 欢迎, :D :D