黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-5 23:09:32

机械米 发表于 2013-12-4 10:08 http://www.watchlead.com/wbbs/static/image/common/back.gif

我查了一下,這個錶是一位名叫henri grandjean(亨利.葛倫金)的人所作,出生於1803年,同時也是位政家!

S.King 发表于 2013-12-5 23:21:13

黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-4 23:28 static/image/common/back.gif
我根本就是個菜鳥,哪是什麼前輩啊! 話說回來咱玩錶都只是替他人保存,歷經百多年依然保持好品相也是別 ...


gtgtgt 发表于 2013-12-5 23:26:45

黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-5 23:09 static/image/common/back.gif
我查了一下,這個錶是一位名叫henri grandjean(亨利.葛倫金)的人所作,出生於1803年,同時也是位政家!


黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-5 23:37:11

gtgtgt 发表于 2013-12-5 23:26 static/image/common/back.gif


机械米 发表于 2013-12-6 05:50:36

黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-5 23:09 static/image/common/back.gif
我查了一下,這個錶是一位名叫henri grandjean(亨利.葛倫金)的人所作,出生於1803年,同時也是位政家!


gfyk 发表于 2013-12-6 05:56:35


黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-6 10:35:19

本帖最后由 黑衣人 于 2013-12-6 10:37 编辑

机械米 发表于 2013-12-6 05:50 http://www.watchlead.com/wbbs/static/image/common/back.gif


Henri Grandjean 1803 - 1879, Switzerland

A highly talented watchmaker, Henri Grandjean was awarded numerous distinctions and **s at competitions and exhibitions in Switzerland and overseas for his various inventions throughout his watchmaking career.

An inevitable career in watchmaking
Born in 1803 in Locle, Henri Grandjean was a watchmaker and manufacturer of pocket watches, marine chronometers and small and large chimes. He also had a career as a politician. He is known in particular as the founder of the Swiss Marine Chronometer Industry, in partnership with watchmakers Ulysse Nardin and Louis JeanRichard. As a member of the prestigious Grandjean Perrenoud Comtesse family of watchmakers from the Sagne and Ponts-de-Martel valley, it was almost inevitable that Henri Grandjean would work in the high-end watchmaking world. After an apprenticeship in watchmaking in his home region, in 1824 he went to Brazil to manage the watchmaking fairs that his father had set up. He took this opportunity to visit several countries in Latin America. He finally returned to Locle in 1830 and married Élise Montandon the following year.

The Neufchâtel adventure
Back in Locle, Henri Grandjean moved into precision chronometry and started to build his first marine chronometer. He was soon making them in great numbers, along with marine clocks. His designs were submitted to the Neuchâtel observatory and a large number of them were given first-class Bulletins de Marche, in recognition of their performance standards. His reputation was growing, and he was appointed a foreign member of the London United Arts Institute in 1856. He founded the Neuchâtel committee for the continuing development of clockmaking in 1858. A major player in his region, Henri Grandjean established the Quartier du Progrès (Progress district) in Locle and developed the observatory in Neuchâtel. He always had an eye on progress, and is known to have been a firm backer of the construction of a railroad in the industrial Jura region.

A political career
In 1842, Henri Grandjean embarked on his political career. He first held the position of Prefect of Locle and in 1848 he was first appointed to the Grand Council, of which he remained a member until his death. He was also a member of the Swiss parliament from 1858 to 1861 and from 1867 to 1870. His Republican political views almost got him into serious trouble during the 1856 counterrevolution. Pursued by a Royalist column, he was rescued at the last moment by a man who hid him in his home. Whether in his profession as a watchmaker or political career, Henri Grandjean always demonstrated the utmost commitment to his endeavours.

xhandy 发表于 2013-12-6 10:47:26

serra habana估计是古巴的零售商,Henry Grandjean是鼎鼎大名的瑞士制表师,复杂表、天文台表的成就非凡,也是第一个进入南美市场的瑞士品牌。

机械米 发表于 2013-12-6 10:49:42

黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-6 10:35 static/image/common/back.gif

Henri Grandjean 1803 - 1879, Switzerland


黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-6 11:28:52

xhandy 发表于 2013-12-6 10:47 static/image/common/back.gif
serra habana估计是古巴的零售商,Henry ...

多謝翁版百忙中撥冗點評:handshake 原來serra habana是一家古巴零售商,剛開始查找只得到地理位置,以為是古巴產的呢!:lol 看來我找對資料了! 謝謝!!

黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-6 11:48:39

本帖最后由 黑衣人 于 2013-12-6 11:54 编辑

机械米 发表于 2013-12-6 10:49 http://www.watchlead.com/wbbs/static/image/common/back.gif


亨利 葛倫金
1803-1879 年瑞士
天賦極高的鐘錶匠,亨利 葛倫金 榮獲無數的區別和在比賽和展覽在瑞士和海外獎項他的各種發明在整個職業生涯製表。

在製表工藝中不可避免的職業生涯 出生于 1803 年在 力洛克,亨利 葛倫金 是一個鐘錶匠和懷錶的製造商、 海洋校對服務和小型和大型編鐘。他也有作為一位政壇的職業生涯。尤其是作為瑞士的海洋時計工業,在夥伴關係與製表 雅典 納爾丹和 路易·尚維沙 的創始人都認識他。作為著名 葛倫金 佩琳烏德 伯爵夫人大家庭中的成員來自 Sagne 和蓋頂-德-馬特爾山谷製表,它是幾乎不可避免的是亨利 葛倫金 將在高端製表世界工作。之後在他家的區域製表工藝學徒,1824 年他去巴西進行管理的製表業展覽會,他的父親建立了。他藉此機會訪問拉丁美洲的幾個國家。他最後返回到 力洛克 1830 年隔年和伊麗絲 蒙坦頓結婚。
訥沙泰勒 冒險
回到 力洛克,亨利 葛倫金 搬入精密計時方法實現,並開始建立他第一次的海洋時計。他很快就讓他們在大的數位,以及海洋的時鐘。他的設計被提交給納沙泰爾天文臺和一大批他們得到一流的公告德瑪律凱,承認他們的性能標準。他的名聲不斷增長,並于 1856 年他被任命為倫敦聯合藝術研究所外國成員。他創辦了納沙泰爾委員會為 1858 鐘錶製造的持續發展。在他的區域,亨利 葛倫金 的主要參與者在 力洛克 建立拉丁杜進步 (進步區) 和發達國家在納沙泰爾天文臺。他總是眼取得的進展,並已知被工業汝拉地區的鐵路建設的堅定的幕後支援者。
在 1842 年,亨利 葛倫金 開始了他的政壇生涯。他第一次舉行 力洛克 省長的位置,在 1848 年他被首次任命為盛大理事會,其中他仍然是一個成員直到他的死亡。他也是從 1858 年到 1861年和從 1867 年到 1870 年,瑞士議會的成員。他的共和黨政論觀點幾乎在 1856年反革命期間讓他陷入嚴重的困境。保皇黨人列由追求,他在最後時刻由救出一個人把他藏在他的家。無論是在他的職業作為一個鐘錶匠或政壇生涯,亨利 葛倫金 始終表現出對他的努力的最大承諾。

机械米 发表于 2013-12-6 11:50:49

黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-6 11:48 static/image/common/back.gif

亨利 葛倫金


黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-6 11:55:29

机械米 发表于 2013-12-6 11:50 static/image/common/back.gif


黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-6 12:47:13

gfyk 发表于 2013-12-6 05:56 static/image/common/back.gif


gaoyingjie 发表于 2013-12-6 13:21:21


怀表迷 发表于 2013-12-8 17:36:20


黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-8 18:29:59

gaoyingjie 发表于 2013-12-6 13:21 static/image/common/back.gif


黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-8 18:31:13

怀表迷 发表于 2013-12-8 17:36 static/image/common/back.gif


gtgtgt 发表于 2013-12-21 12:34:18


黑衣人 发表于 2013-12-21 22:56:42

gtgtgt 发表于 2013-12-21 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif
这颗噹噹噹的银面盘 ...

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