nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 15:41:36


本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-1-11 23:14 编辑



来自德国的制表大师戈斯曼(M. Grossmann)曾经写过一本名为《有关马式擒纵的理论与实用论文》,这份文章应该能在专门的图书馆甚至公共资源处获得(譬如说免费下载),这本书专门记载了马式擒纵的应用和技术改良方案。


1. 直线式布局(就擒纵叉而言)
2. 擒纵轮能量的释放和传递分开进行,齿形也改良了(自然擒纵和某些冲击式擒纵是同步进行的)
3. 擒纵叉叉石清晰可见(19世纪至20世纪初德系马式擒纵叉的叉石是隐蔽式的)
4. 双圆底盘(防止卡壳)


另外,叉石可见度涉及到它们是否可以被再次调整的问题,在调整擒纵叉的时候校表师会通过给叉尖表面加热的方法使叉石变松从而使调校工作变得更容易。 在调校英国表的时候就难多了,叉石必须被完全从擒纵叉移除。



戈斯曼(Grossmann)的理论非常优秀而且易懂,更何况他的著作可获得性很高,但是对于“瑞士马式擒纵”这一名词的诞生年份可能存在缪误(原作说是1869年,实际上应该是1890年代)。 Kemp的“英式芝麻链马式擒纵表”(The English Fusse Lever Watch) 一书中也有很多有关马式擒纵进化史的内容而且在年份上更精确,这本书很珍贵,但值得去找。


此外,筒式擒纵(Cylinder),美式复式擒纵和英式马式擒纵在19世纪结束后还苟活到了二战结束以后,但都是以小批量生产的形式延续自己的生命。值得一提的是,格拉苏堤风格的马式擒纵(叉石为嵌入式)直到今天还有品牌生产,只是非常少见;而马式擒纵的另一种变体——狄龙擒纵(DeLong Escapement)除了被应用在麦因塔的表款上,则被用于某些伊利诺斯和波尔表的款式中(详细款式型号不详),最后被应用在大批量生产的天美时(TIMEX)表款中。

nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 15:41:54

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 19:45 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 15:42:08

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 19:52 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 15:42:21

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 19:54 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:02:19

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:07 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:02:36

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:20 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:03:56

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:21 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:04:36

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:21 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:05:58

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:27 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:06:14

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:27 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:06:30

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:28 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:06:43

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:29 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:07:02

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:31 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:07:19

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:44 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:07:45

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:45 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:08:06

If he went through a classic apprenticeship program, he would have started at the age of 14 and served 7 years. That would make him a journeyman at the age of 21. Typically, for someone with his obvious talents, he would have been a master 5 or 6 years later. However, it seems he got involved in politics, so that may have deferred his education and development. I have never heard of any work he produced before coming to the U.S. nor have I heard who his master may have been.

It is possible that he was self taught and his work might support that view. It is highly idiosyncratic. This view is supported by Paul Chamberlain's account in It's About Time where Fasoldt is described as having the rank of Captain in the 19th Regiment of the Revolutionary Army. However, he was born in Dresden and his son's obituary states that he, Otto H. Fasoldt, was the 3rd generation of watchmakers in his family, which implies that Charles' father was also a watchmaker.

Fasoldt had a rather large operation in Albany, NY with 50 employees according to Chamberlain. He was engaged in many different technical enterprises in addition to watchmaking. His optics were likely more significant at the time with the ability to produce 12,000 lines/inch diffraction gratings.

nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:11:15

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:46 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:11:28

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:47 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:11:47

本帖最后由 nomorewatch 于 2013-9-11 20:55 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-11-4 16:12:12

I have a Hamilton 950B which is very good and a vintage Vacheron and Constantin made for the railroad trade that are very good. I have not rate many of them because it is time consuming. My Gruen up down is also very good. I rate them by comparing them daily and calculating the variance. I am primarily concerned with constant rate rather than what it is.

English keyless fusee watches have a lot of the winding built into the case. I have a recased Kullberg that is a very respectable in rate. The trick there is that to run reliably in the pocket the crown has to disconnect unless it is being wound. most of this is under the dial but there are often buttons that have to operated to wind and set.

You can get superb timekeeping for well under $1000. Hamilton 992B's and 950b's are very very good. In the $5k and up range you are getting exotic and rare. All the high end Swiss stuff in good reapir is very good and if you get a watch with a Kew A certificate or a First Class bulletin. If I had $25K to spend I'd get a Patek or Vacheron competition watch and have it overhauled and regulated by them. TheEnglish stuff of that era is almost as good but the makers are now long gone, although the current Frodsham people seem to be well regarded so a Kew rate Frodsham is also a candidate.

Modern mechanical wrist watches are also very good.
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