总理表 发表于 2012-10-24 20:44:40

有谁知道 游丝卷进角 用英文或法文怎么表述吗?

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:47 编辑


机械米 发表于 2012-10-24 21:08:53

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:47 编辑


OHSEAL 发表于 2012-10-24 21:48:31


shek329 发表于 2012-10-25 00:26:09


To poise the hairspring we must first determine the angle between the point of attachment at the collet and the initial vibrating point. One of the ways to determine the angle is to lay out the hairspring and collet on a protractor-like scale. By lining up the point of attachment at the collet with the zero angle, the angle to the vibrating point can be read off the scale and used to determine how much of the hairspring must be cut off the innermost coil in order to repin it "in poise". If you're using the "wrap method" initially, establishing what constitutes the initially point of attachment (to line up with the zero angle on the scale) requires some experience and some guesswork. Since the hairspring leaves the collet fairly smoothly, deciding at what point it first starts vibrating is not cut and dried.
The formula for determining how much to cut off is: A (the angle between the two points) plus (the quantity) A over 3 minus 60 degrees equals B (the number of degrees to be cut off from the intial point of attachment). This allows for 60 degrees of the remaining spring to be tucked into the whole in the collet for pinning. The thought behind this formula is that a length of spring on the innermost coil is equal to a length of spring on the outermost coil that represents one third of the angular value of the portion at the innermost coil. This is only approximately true given the general geometry of hairspring coils but it's close enough to allow us to come within 15 degrees or so of pinning the hairspring in poise.
Ok, pinning the hairspring at the collet and then later at the stud requires the utmost precision and care. Not only is it incredibly easy to ruin the hairspring with a slight slip of the tweezers, but if it is not pinned flat, it'll create a world of troubles for you trying to make it that way. Also, if you pin it without the right amount of spring in the sharp curve where it enters the first coil (at the collet), it will resist centering vigorously.
It is absolutely critical that the hairspring be perfectly centered and perfectly flat at the collet if you cant to get anything like good performance out of it. As Henry Hatem (the first year instructor) said to me when he saw us struggling with this aspect, "That first coil is your whole world." He couldn't have been more right.
Each of us developed our own methods for holding the collet and spring, inserting the taper pin, cutting it to the right length and pushing it in firmly enough to hold the spring. For a little while I thought that holding the collet in a collet closing tool at precisely the correct height to let the spring lie flat as it enters the hole in the collet could insure a reasonably flat initial pinning. The problem being that the taper pin itself pushes the hairspring out of flat. There's really no perfect way to do it so you just have to practice, practice, practice until you can figure out a series of steps that works for you.
So after the spring has been pinned at the collet and made as flat as possible, we must shape the innermost curve to make the hairspring coils centered around the collet. This is incredibly difficult if the first coil is very tight (because you don't have room to get your tweezers in between the collet and the hairspring) and is also not at all easy if the first coil is very large (because it's hard to see how well centered it is). The actual size of the first coil is somewhat arbitrary as it is determined by the poising process.
One of the ways to check if the spring is properly centered and flat is to place the balance in the figure 8 calipers and spin it slowly. From the side, a slight up and down motion of the hairspring will indicate it is out of flat. From above, a perfectly centered hairspring will have coils that appear more or less stationary as it spins (or at least they will progress very evenly). One of the joys of this part of the process is that making corrections in the flat usually throws off the centering and vice versa.

总理表 发表于 2012-10-25 22:17:27

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:47 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-12-6 15:05:44

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:47 编辑


nomorewatch 发表于 2012-12-6 15:07:03

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:47 编辑

游丝卷进角会不会就是:hairspring overcoil angle?

总理表 发表于 2012-12-6 19:30:21

本帖最后由 chlogan 于 2015-2-5 17:47 编辑


总理表 发表于 2012-12-6 19:53:10

nomorewatch 发表于 2012-12-6 15:07 static/image/common/back.gif
游丝卷进角会不会就是:hairspring overcoil angle?

overcoil是"末端曲线"的意思,就是宝玑或菲利普斯曲线,不过好像没有overcoil angle这样的表述,暂时还没见到过

问这个卷进角主要是为了了解游丝的卡斯帕里效应,在一般平游丝这方面我国早期资料比较详实,但有末端曲线的双层游丝是否存在卡斯帕里效应?还没有看到这方面的资料,国外主要是watch designer才会学到吧(只是我的猜测),watch maker 绝大多数是不学的,应为一般他们不涉及这方面的设计、改动或调校,我接触到的国外watchmaker资料和人员也都没有提及这些方面的。然而现在接触到的一些走时很好的高档表中,采用宝玑游丝的也有采用补偿卡斯帕里效应的设计的,所以我觉得即使是末端曲线游丝还是有卡斯帕里效应的,只是没有平游丝的效应大(这只是看到实物后的分析和猜测,由于接触的表毕竟不多,还是不能断定。而且即便猜测正确,具体效应的大小与效果还是未知)

机械米 发表于 2012-12-6 20:04:32

总理表 发表于 2012-12-6 19:53 static/image/common/back.gif
overcoil是"末端曲线"的意思,就是宝玑或菲利普斯曲线,不过好像没有overcoil angle这样的表述,暂时还没见到 ...


总理表 发表于 2012-12-6 20:19:43

机械米 发表于 2012-12-6 20:04 static/image/common/back.gif



总理表 发表于 2012-12-6 20:23:26


机械米 发表于 2012-12-7 10:00:09

总理表 发表于 2012-12-6 20:19 static/image/common/back.gif
游丝的内外固定点位置的不同而引起摆轮运动中游丝上的附加力和附加力矩会有所不同,这种附加力和附加力矩引 ...

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